
Showing posts from February, 2021


That old ground hog wasn't kidding was he old man winter slammed us with a vengeance. As I was driving home (in all the madness) I was nervously watching other drivers They would speed up, slow down , speed up slow down, Then they would brake hard. That really isn't a great idea.  This is what I've learned in my many years of driving  Yes I even spent 3 years in Alaska while in military. First things first like always prepare, prepare and prepare again Test your battery; battery power drops as the temperature drops Make sure the cooling system is in good working order Have winter tires with a deeper, more flexible tread put on your car If using all-season tires, check the tread on your tires and replace if less than 2/32 of an inch Check the tire pressure; tire pressure drops as the temperature drops Check your wiper blades and replace if needed Add wiper fluid rated for -30 degrees  Finally keep you fuel tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze.   ...